Thought Leadership

CEO Corner, Services Corner Alliance CEO Corner, Services Corner Alliance

AI, Government, and the Future

When it comes to AI, Corner Alliance is not content with acting as a passive spectator; we are on the field, actively shaping, adapting, and evolving with it. From this vantage point, we are thrilled to unveil our "AI, Government, and the Future" podcast. Hosted by none other than our very own CEO, Alan Pentz, this podcast promises to be a confluence of AI expertise, governmental insights, and rich discourse. Our podcast aims to nurture a space for meaningful conversations, where diverse voices – be it policymakers or industry leaders – can contribute to shaping the narrative.

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Culture Corner Alliance Culture Corner Alliance

Embracing the Freedom of Remote Work: The Path to Work-Life Balance

Remote work has revolutionized the concept of work-life balance, offering individuals the freedom and flexibility to shape their own schedules according to their preferences and priorities. As demonstrated by Corner Alliance, the commitment to remote work and the provision of necessary support and tools further reinforces the positive impact it can have on work-life balance. Embracing remote work is a transformative path that empowers individuals to achieve a harmonious blend of their personal and professional lives.

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Digital Communications Corner Alliance Digital Communications Corner Alliance

Balancing the Art, Sciences, and Data to Effectively Communicate in the Digital Age

Trends in format and brevity are reshaping the future of communications. This calls for new levels of strategic creativity where the research and development (R&D) findings of our clients must be simplified into concise, quick, and compelling stories that keep the viewer’s attention and build brand awareness.

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Broadband, Cybersecurity Alan Pentz Broadband, Cybersecurity Alan Pentz

Imagining Life with 5G in a COVID World

These are just a smattering of the potential ways in which 5G might transform life and work in a future pandemic or disaster. It’s also likely that the largest impacts will come from technologies we haven’t even thought of yet. This fact is why it is so essential that we invest in building out 5G networks and funding innovation on top of them.

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